How to manage the Problem of Speech Delay in Children

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Every child in his growth period experiences a period of growth and development. The stages of growth and development in children are not the same. Some are fast in their physical development, so they move quickly (crawl, walk, run), and some are tendency fast in speaking.
Speech delay is a condition that is often found in families. In one family, the condition of children who experience speech delays is common. Although it does not occur in all children, speech delays in children are enough to give parents worry about the development of their children's growth and development.
So, when can children are told to be late to speak? Children can be called speech late if they are two years old and more. At this age a child should be able to pronounce some easy vocabulary, especially words that he often listens. However, if you find that your child is slow in speaking, first of all, father and mother try to find out what causes the child to be late in speaking.
There are several causes of speech delay in children, namely:
1. Heredity Factor
There is a history of family members who previously also experienced speech delays.
2. Lack of communication
Maybe because they are busy, so that fathers and mothers have little time to communicate with their children. As a result, children become passive in speaking and spend more time alone watching television, playing cell phones, or playing with their own toys.
3. Application of several languages in communication.
This condition occurs in families who apply the habit of two or more languages in daily communication. For some children, this factor causes children to be confused or do not like to talk.
4. There are abnormalities in the child's organs, especially hearing and mouth.
Abnormalities in the organs of hearing and oral muscles also affect the child's ability to speak.
5. The existence of health problems in children.
To solve the problem of Speech Delay, then there are several steps that fathers and mothers can be applied:
a. Often communicate directly with children
Frequent communication with children can stimulate the development of children's communication. Accompany children to play while inviting them to talk and sing. The goal is to encourage improving their speaking ability.
b. Expand Children's Mouth Movement
Stimulating the mouth and tongue can be done by blowing balloons, blowing whistles, giving children chewable food.
c. Give Vitamins
In addition to therapy, parents can also provide foods and drinks that support intelligence. One of them is by providing foods that contain Vitamin D, because Vitamin D can stimulate and improve children's brain abilities.
d. Visit the doctor
By checking with the doctor, parents will get information related to the cause of the child's speech delay. Sometimes the speech delay is related to the condition of the body's organs that are not functioning normally. For this reason, parents need to check and consult with a doctor so that they can be treated if abnormalities are found in these organs.
e. Keep Praying
Prayer is a believer's weapon, never leave prayer regardless of the condition of the father and mother. Keep praying to Allah to solve your child's fluency problem. Nothing happens in this world without Allah's knowledge. Therefore, after making an effort, parents are obliged to pray so that all efforts made will get the pleasure of Allah SWT.
Father and mother can also invite children to pray, the prayer is contained in the Qur'an Surah Thaha: 25-28: Meaning: "O my Lord, open my chest for me and make my affairs easy for me and remove the stiffness from my tongue so that they understand my words." (Q.S Thaha: 25-28).
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