The reasons why Indonesia is prone to drug abuse and trafficking
Why is Indonesia prone to drug abuse and trafficking? Indonesia is very vulnerable to drug abuse and illicit trafficking. This occurs due to various factors, both external and internal. In general, the causes of Indonesia being a vulnerable area are as follows:
1. Geographically
Geographically, Indonesia is quite strategically located, which is at the crossroads between two continents and two oceans. This condition makes Indonesia in the busiest lane in the world, due to always being in contact with international trade traffic. Thus, Indonesia is a country that is very vulnerable to narcotics smuggling efforts by various international syndicates.
2. Geostrategically
Geostrategically, Indonesia has a wide variety of natural resources that can be utilized for the welfare of the people. The condition of natural wealth, especially in the field of agriculture, is sometimes used by parties who are not responsible for abusing drugs by planting marijuana plants.
3 Demographically
The current population of Indonesia is 273 million people, spread over various islands and provinces throughout Indonesia. The large population is very tempting for drug dealers to make Indonesia a target for the Narcotics market.
4. Socially, Economically and Politically
The unstable social, economic and political conditions make Indonesia vulnerable to drug abuse. The more vulnerable social conditions, the illicit drug trafficking will increase.
5. Modernization and Spread of Modern Lifestyle
Consumptive, hedonic lifestyles, advances in communication, information and globalization encourage people to imitate modern lifestyles, including enjoying this short life to the fullest by consuming drugs. Besides, there is a trend that teenagers don't hang out if they don't use drugs.
7. Weak System
The extent of Indonesia's geographical conditions has not been matched by supervision and legal action. Many convicts in narcotics cases repeat their crimes after finishing their sentence, this is because the legal system in Indonesia has not provided a deterrent effect to drug offenders.
8. High Unemployment and Poverty Rates
Unemployment and Poverty are problems that are very vulnerable to contamination with narcotics crimes.
9. Very Fast Process of Social Change
Industrialization, modernization and globalization that spread consumptive lifestyles, changes in living conditions take place not only in urban but also in rural areas, coupled with very rapid technological developments.
10. Global Socio-Cultural Phenomenon
Lifestyle changes that are not in accordance with the nation's culture have caused some Indonesians to be trapped by the lifestyle model of outsiders, so that sometimes this causes drug abuse to become a place of escape.
11. Other Sociocultural Phenomena
Currently, some people tend to be less concerned about the socio-cultural conditions around their living environment. This causes drug trafficking to increase rapidly. A concerted effort is needed to create a drug-free environment.
12. A Tense Situation
The harsh living conditions in urban areas cause people to live in competition, some people use drugs as a place of escape when various pressures come their way.
By : Admin
1. Geographically
Geographically, Indonesia is quite strategically located, which is at the crossroads between two continents and two oceans. This condition makes Indonesia in the busiest lane in the world, due to always being in contact with international trade traffic. Thus, Indonesia is a country that is very vulnerable to narcotics smuggling efforts by various international syndicates.
2. Geostrategically
Geostrategically, Indonesia has a wide variety of natural resources that can be utilized for the welfare of the people. The condition of natural wealth, especially in the field of agriculture, is sometimes used by parties who are not responsible for abusing drugs by planting marijuana plants.
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3 Demographically
The current population of Indonesia is 273 million people, spread over various islands and provinces throughout Indonesia. The large population is very tempting for drug dealers to make Indonesia a target for the Narcotics market.
4. Socially, Economically and Politically
The unstable social, economic and political conditions make Indonesia vulnerable to drug abuse. The more vulnerable social conditions, the illicit drug trafficking will increase.
5. Modernization and Spread of Modern Lifestyle
Consumptive, hedonic lifestyles, advances in communication, information and globalization encourage people to imitate modern lifestyles, including enjoying this short life to the fullest by consuming drugs. Besides, there is a trend that teenagers don't hang out if they don't use drugs.
7. Weak System
The extent of Indonesia's geographical conditions has not been matched by supervision and legal action. Many convicts in narcotics cases repeat their crimes after finishing their sentence, this is because the legal system in Indonesia has not provided a deterrent effect to drug offenders.
8. High Unemployment and Poverty Rates
Unemployment and Poverty are problems that are very vulnerable to contamination with narcotics crimes.
9. Very Fast Process of Social Change
Industrialization, modernization and globalization that spread consumptive lifestyles, changes in living conditions take place not only in urban but also in rural areas, coupled with very rapid technological developments.
10. Global Socio-Cultural Phenomenon
Lifestyle changes that are not in accordance with the nation's culture have caused some Indonesians to be trapped by the lifestyle model of outsiders, so that sometimes this causes drug abuse to become a place of escape.
11. Other Sociocultural Phenomena
Currently, some people tend to be less concerned about the socio-cultural conditions around their living environment. This causes drug trafficking to increase rapidly. A concerted effort is needed to create a drug-free environment.
12. A Tense Situation
The harsh living conditions in urban areas cause people to live in competition, some people use drugs as a place of escape when various pressures come their way.
By : Admin
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