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Inspirational Story, Steve Jobs The Founder of Apple Company

Inspirational Story, Steve Jobs The Founder of Apple Company
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On the day of his birth, his mother, who was still a student, chose to let her baby go for adoption. As a student, she could not divide the responsibility of taking care of the baby and studying for it.

A couple of lawyer families then offered to adopt their baby. But unfortunately, the baby is a boy, while the family wants a girl. Finally, the mother had to find another family. On the waiting list, there is another pair of families who also intend to adopt Steve.

However, his mother had doubts. They're a family that doesn't seem to care about education. How come? The wife never finished college. The husband did not even have time to continue his high school education. However, the prospective adoptive parents promised to send their child named Steve to college.

Finally, Steve was given up for adoption by this family. Be Steve the new son of the family of Mr. Paul and Mrs. Clara Jobs. Steve's name henceforth became Steve Jobs. This new family lives in Silicon Valley, California. Every weekend, little Steve was always taken by his adoptive father to the garage where he took apart electronics and then put them back together. This is probably what caused Steve interested in the world of electronics.
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As a teenager, Steve often played around the Hewlett-Packard (HP) factory. The tools and objects he found there made him very happy and the activity became his passion. He also often asked HP Director at that time, William Hewlard, for some computer parts to complete his school assignments. This habit made the director start to like him and gave him an internship there.

After finishing high school, Steve had to go to college according to his parents' promise. However, the college he got at that time was very expensive. All of her parents' savings had almost been used up to pay for college.

Seeing this fact, Steve chose to stop going to college. "I didn't know what I was going to be and college couldn't help me answer that. And I just kept spending the money my parents worked hard for. So, I chose to stop and hoped that everything would get better," he said.

In his senior year at college, he took the courses he liked and dropped whatever he didn't like. One of the lectures that impressed him the most was his calligraphy class. He was impressed by the letters and how they were arranged in writing. In that last year too, Steve had to face the reality of the difficulty of survival. He had to sleep on the floor of a friend's dorm room because he had no money to pay for the hostel. After the friends finished their Cokes, Steve collected the bottles and handed them to the cafeteria for 5 cents. That money is what he then uses to buy food every day. He also has to walk 10 km every Sunday night to receive free food distribution from the Hare Krishna temple.

Back home, Steve and his friends plan their future. The decision, with the technological capabilities they have, they will make a business together. The business was later named Apple because Steve always remembered the days of picking apples in the summer.

Their business started in the garage owned by Steve's father. They started the business with capital from the sale of Steve's family's Volkswagen car. Meanwhile, Wozniak, one of Steve's colleagues, chose to sell HP brand calculators. With that initial capital, they built the Apple Computer Company. This company manufactures computers (PC). Ten years later, when Steve was 30 years old, was the time it took them to turn a two-person company in a garage into a $2 billion company with 400 employees.

Steve's favorite calligraphy lesson later helped develop the Mac (Apple's computer). Mac is a computer with a very attractive display of letters at that time.

At the end of 1984, Apple began to experience difficult times, their PC sales fell and were taken over by the popularity of computers made by IBM, Steve began to be perceived negatively by those around him. He then also has disagreements about the future of the company with Scully, the director he was supposed to appoint to run his own company. But, a co-worker who finds him arrogant and temperamental is more supportive of Scully, Steve is kicked out of the company he raised himself.

But Steve never let that get in his way. With his soul that could not stand to continue to innovate, he founded Next and Pixar. Next is engaged in software while Pixar is famous for its animation. Pixar created the world's first animated film, Toy Story, which was followed by the success of Finding Nemo, The Incredible, Wall-E, Monster Inc., and so on.

On the other hand, Apple suffered a setback due to the lack of new innovations. The popularity of Microsoft Windows 95 continued to sink Apple with its Macintosh. After various considerations, Steve was invited to rejoin as an adviser to the CEO. Several years later, he was appointed as full CEO. Begin a new era. at Apple. Logo changes and new products were made by the iPod, iPhone, and other innovations.

Steve's attitude of not drowning in lamentation when he was dumped made him a winner again.

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