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The Inspirational Story of Hollywood Action Actor Sylvester Stallone


The Inspirational Story of Hollywood Action Actor Sylvester Stallone

This man had to suffer from paralysis (paralysis, numbness) in part of his face, including his lower lip. This happened because of the 'accident' that occurred when his mother gave birth, gave birth to him. As a result, he had to endure that state for the rest of his life.

In fact, since childhood he has aspired to become an actor. He wanted to appear as the main star in a film someday. That's why he often participates in castings, but he always fails. There's always the saying, "No audience wants to see a movie star with a drunken face and slurred speech!"

However, he never gave up. Every time there is a casting, he always follows it.

One day, a casting was opened again in New York City. As usual he signed up. He came in the afternoon. It seemed that because he was tired, the casting committee ordered an officer to say that he could not meet him that day. This man didn't give up. He chose to spend the night waiting outside the casting.

When morning came, one of the organizers who had just finished breakfast saw the man already in front of the casting room. Finally, he got his chance. He passed and got his first role in a film. However, he only appeared for 20 seconds. His role as a thief or pickpocket is finally beaten. That's how it was in all the roles that he managed to get next, always a similar role.

That didn't stop him from pursuing his dream. On the other hand, with his uncertain job, he has to find his rented house without heating (a very important device in winter), sometimes without contents in the refrigerator, and of course the bills are pouring in. His wife kept advising him to find a steady job.

One day, he visited a library. He wasn't actually there looking for a book, but felt it was the warmest place he could find in town. There, he found a collection of poems by Edgar Allan Poe. Somehow, he was inspired and started to try to see other opportunities in his life apart from becoming an actor. The option he was thinking about at that time was to become a screenwriter.

He started writing scenarios one by one. The scenario was then offered to film producers. Due to their low quality or unflattering name, he managed to sell only a few. In fact, sometimes it doesn't work at all. Once sold the highest price ever he got only $ 100.

The Inspirational Story of Hollywood Action Actor Sylvester Stallone

His wife couldn't take it anymore and finally divorced him. Thus began a life without food, without a wife, and without work. This man was only accompanied by his dog named Butkust. Every day, he is only accompanied by this animal. When his hunger became unbearable—didn't have a penny, Butkust became a sacrifice. The loyal dog ended up being sold for an opening price of $50. However, he only found one buyer willing to pay $25 for the dog. With a heavy heart, he let go of his last loyal friend.

During the empty waiting period, once he watched a boxing match between Muhammad Ali and Weaponer. Back then, Muhammad Ali won, but that wasn't what caught his eye. The Weaponer was hit hard by Ali, but he always got back on his feet after staggering. And so on. That fighting spirit that finally 'stung' this man.

When he got home, he immediately took his typewriter and wrote scenarios all day, 20 hours nonstop. The scenario tells of an amateur boxer who challenges a famous boxer. He felt very happy after reading the scenario he had written. The scenario was offered to several producers. Most said, "Basic story! Nothing special! Stupid story!" However, while still believing in his abilities, this man continues to offer scenarios.

A producer finally took an interest and offered him $125,000. But he refused. Even though his dream of becoming a screenwriter started to materialize at that time, he still remembers his early dream. He didn't want to sell the script unless he was the lead in the film.

"Aren't you a screenwriter?" asked the producer.

"No... I'm an actor," he replied.

The bid increased to $250,000, but the answer was still no. The final figure was $350,000 and he still refused. Finally the producer gave up and followed this man's wish.

"Okay... I'll let you be in the role. However, we're only paying $35,000 for the screenplay. So, we don't have much to lose if the movie doesn't do well."

The man was very happy. With money in hand he thought of Butkust, his best friend. He came back to the place where he had sold Butkust. Hope rediscovers Butkust with his new owner and buys back the dog. He found Butkust, but the new owner would not sell the dog back to him. He then offered one of the roles in his latest film.

That's the story of Sylvester Stallone who fought his way to the top. And, his first film was Rocky. The film only received funding of approximately $ 1 million, but made $ 225 million. A very inspiring success for diligent effort and never give up.

I believe there is an inner power that makes a person a winner or a loser. And, the winners are those who really listen to their heart. (Sylvester Stallone, Hollywood action actor).

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