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The story of Tom Cruise and the struggles of Becoming an Actor

The story of Tom Cruise and the struggles of Becoming an Actor
Tom Cruise (istimewa)

This story tells about the famous Hollywood actor Tom Cruise, who knows that behind his fame, it turns out that he has to go through various obstacles to achieve success.

Top Gun put Tom Cruise as the main role accompanying the main female role starring his wife, Nicole Kidman. At that time, Tom Cruise played a fighter pilot who was trained at a special training center for selected pilots in America.

Flying a plane has also been one of Tom's aspirations since childhood. He was very excited when he found out the role he was going to play was to become a pilot and more importantly because he was expected to actually be able to at least fly the fighter he was on, although not necessarily like a real fighter pilot. Since childhood, Tom Cruise had dreams of becoming a pilot and he really liked planes. However, in the end he failed to play that role as he hoped, namely to fly the plane used in making Top Gun.

Little Tom was born into a poor family. His father worked odd jobs and never found a steady job anywhere. As a result, Tom and his family have to be willing to move from place to place to follow his father, who sometimes gets jobs in this city, then next year moves to another city.

This habit has been running since little Tom. This is exacerbated by dyslexia, which he inherited from his mother. Tom became a child who had difficulty reading.

Every time Tom moved to a new school, Tom would surely be punished at the end of each school period in the form of additional classes for writing and reading. When in high school, teenage Tom tried to overcome his learning difficulties by looking for additional values. This value can be obtained by being an active student in class. Tom is a young person who often asks or answers questions given by the teacher in class. When there was homework, he would dictate the answers to his little sister which he then copied back. If there is a test, Tom of course cannot memorize from the book. He found out the questions and answers from his friends who had taken the test beforehand.

That's how the unfortunate circumstances went on for Tom. When he moved to Los Angeles, Tom took part in various acting auditions and always failed because when he was asked to read the script he started to get cold, stiff, and basically all stupid things started to feel inside him. Because he kept failing, finally Tom was honest with the casting committee and tried to find an understanding of the requested character by asking producers or other casting judges.

Finally, Tom was accepted in his first film called Taps. He became a cadet in the film. Since then, Tom began to climb his career and returned to the Top Gun topic earlier. Tom Cruise didn't get to fly the plane because he was too busy preparing things for the film. (That's what he told the public), when in fact he couldn't finish his flying course because there was so much to read and of course he couldn't.

In the end, things changed. Who could have predicted that an actor who could not read or write fluently was destined to become a star.

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